The WRO Switzerland association, founded on November 5, 2015, aims to establish awareness of the competition in Switzerland and thus support the promotion of young people in robotics, technology and computer science (e.g. through courses, teacher training, visits to trade fairs, etc.) and to strengthen their interest in the STEM subjects.
The association coordinates the organization of the Regional Competitions and hosts the Swiss Final.
Download our bylaws: Bylaws 2021 (in German only)
The board

Markus Born
Florian Lüscher
Michael Hausherr
Aaron Griesser
Not pictures: Stefan Gemperli (Secretary)
Organizing Committee (OC) of WRO CH
In addition to the Executive Board, other energetic helpers make up the WRO OC.

Vera Hausherr
Martina Born
Not pictured:
- Aline Giovanoli (Courses)
- Frank Ellerkamp (Courses)
- Miriam Hausherr (WRO Starter, Website)
- Benjamin Koch (Future Innovators)
- Thomas von Hoff (OC member at large)
- Sarah Carter (Material)