Life under water is important and people depend on it for food, clean drinking water and even protection from flooding. It is therefore important that we protect water from pollution and that we protect and restore underwater ecosystems. The “MARPOL Convention” exists to protect our oceans. This is an agreement between countries around the world that ships must not pollute the water or throw their waste overboard. This means that the ships have to store all their waste until it can be collected.
There are also many initiatives that contribute to the restoration of underwater areas. One of the most important is the protection and restoration of coral reefs. Many other underwater animals find food and shelter there, and these reefs also reduce the risk of coastal flooding.
But the coral reefs are damaged in many places. Researchers are working hard to find ways to restore the coral reefs. One solution is to grow corals in an aquarium and then move them to the existing reef.
On the Elementary age group game field, the robot helps manage marine debris, restore coral areas and rescue a whale from a shallow sea.